Friday, April 15, 2005

Vigilantes wanted...

The enemy!

We either can't continue to allow shipments of landscaping materials and other plants from the infected areas of California (or other parts of the US where there are viable populations of the Glassy-winged sharpshooter) into uninfested areas, or we all have to become much more vigilant against this pest.

Not only does it threaten the wine industry, but also the citrus farmers and a host of other agricultural and ornamental crops. The following information is from a GLASSY-WINGED SHARPSHOOTER STATEWIDE SURVEY & DELIMITATION PROTOCOLS, published online by the California Department of Food and Agriculture :

Hosts: Preferred hosts should always be selected for trap deployment. Crape
myrtle, when leafed out, is an excellent host and should be utilized when
available. Other good hosts include the following:
Spring: Citrus, euonymus, and early stone fruits.
Summer: Apricot, carob, citrus, euonymus, grape, mulberry, plum, red
bud, and sunflower
Fall: Citrus and eucalyptus.
Other locally favored hosts may be utilized for trap placement.

Personally I don't think the first option I laid out above is feasible (and unfortunately, it wouldn't be 100% effective in stopping the spread of the sharpshooter either). Therefore it's incumbent upon us to encourage as many people as possible to become Sharpshooter Spotters (go to to find out more). By doing this hopefully we can at least be sure that any of these pests which get carried into uninfected areas will be spotted as early as possible, and dealt with befor it can establish itself on the North Coast of California.

Some links that can help: Napa Valley GWSS website, Bugspot.Org


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