Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Germans to Take Over the French Wine Industry?

Paris - A misdirected fax communication started a firestorm of controversy in the French wine industry this week. French winemakers, who have been suffering violent withdrawl symptoms after the government withdrew subsidies for grape growers and winemakers, were shocked when they received a fax from Germany that said "we will assume control of the French vineyards as of June 22, 2005". French farmers and winemakers immediately set down their pruning shears, turned off their corking machines, and walked out of their wine caves with their hands raised.
After the mixup was determined to be from a fax referring to the purchase of a single Languedoc vineyard, the French went to resume their duties - however, as it was already 2 p.m., it was time to go home for the day. In a statement released later, Germany said "The entire French wine industry? Gott im Himmel! We might consider Baghdad, Kabul, or Belfast, but French wine? Nein!"


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