Thursday, May 17, 2007

Power 100: mistake or showing hand?

This piece of data came out last week, but there's something in it which is just a bit curious...

Probably just a typo, but they may have inadvertently tipped someone's hand in what would be some of the biggest news of 2007 so far in the wine world acquisitions file...

Intangible Business (ok, so doesn't that sound like a 'Sopranos' euphemism for a 'legitimate business front'?) published it's Power 100 wine and spirits list [link to the *.pdf] for this year.

Wine (as a category) is fifth from the top when looking at the top 10 sectors they considered, with 16 brands represented in the Top 100, which is good news. Also of note is that Sparkling Wines continue to fall in at the lower end of the list, and I wouldn't mind seeing that trend change slightly and bring that category right up behind Still Wines.

And it also shows that Gallo Family Winery is the most powerful of the wine brands listed in their valuation of the companies.
No real surprise there, though one would expect Constellation to by right there duke-ing it out with them for top spot...which they are with Hardy's showing up in the #2 spot.

But there is a surprise, and it came when I looked at the list a little closer and noticed that they have Kendall-Jackson "owned" by Brown-Forman.

If true, it would be the best kept secret of the industry as both companies are large, and it's pretty doubtful that everyone who would know about that purchase would be able to keep it quiet.

I guess we'll have to wait and see if Jess Jackson notices that typo and decides to sue Intangible Business for a public correction..or not...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nothing more exciting than a typo I'm afraid. Apologies to you, your readers, Brown-Forman and Mr. Jackson. The mistake will be corrected for next year's report.

May 17, 2007 9:11 AM  

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