Sunday, September 25, 2005

Heart healthy ads?

"Not in THIS country!", or so the cry goes out from the Neo-Prohibitionists...

But I came across the following on a bottle of table red from Croatia (or Serbia? Bosnia?). I can't read the label & haven't been able to find it on the atlas yet...

Long story cut short, it obviously touts it's heart healthy ("pro corde") attributes, going so far as to have a EKG heart rhythym logo just below the words - which are conspicuously placed in a red box. Clearly the consumer is being sold on the prospect that this wine is good for your heart.

The wine inside was decent, if not somewhat acidic, though I have no new super heart attributes from drinking it with dinner. As for the medical claim that it's good for your heart, I'd recommend backing up this claim by pairing with a heart healthy meal, and not using the image of health from the wine to justify indulging in some cholesterol laden dish.

In any case, it's indicative of a different view of wine in their culture that we can only imagine here.

Maybe someday...


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