Friday, November 02, 2007

BioD and Ghosts

I know....Halloween is over.
But I came across this just today...a report on CNN by AP/IPSOS: Ghost poll finds that 1/3 of the population believes in ghosts...

Weird, but that's roughly the same percentage of the respondents in the recent Demeter poll who believed that seeing "biodynamic" on a wine label conferred some higher level of quality than a wine without that branding.
The revealing part of the article is the link to what to do if your house has ghosts...

And as hokey as all that is, there are several items in the news this past week which help illustrate why some people see or believe when others (and science) don't. Mainly the reports center on the ability of the brain to see patterns in all that we do - whether they exist or not. In some people those subliminal desires to see patterns are so strong they produce "something" to satisfy that need. This may reveal why some people can "see ghosts", or get into the esoteric-etheric side of BioD. And by that explain how the majority of us cannot
understand what the hell they're doing or how they can believe in astral spirits looking over their fields, the dynamization of water, etc...

Certainly having this "extra desire" to see patterns would be a big help when trying to establish some sort of "reading" when looking at the dubious plates produced by "sensitive crystallization" it means anything at all...

...but then again, perhaps I'm just exposing my inability to the non-existent patterns they imagine...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that a pecan pie?

November 05, 2007 7:41 PM  

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